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Reveal the Reasons for Breaking Up with Agnez Mo, Deddy Corbuzier: It's Her Fault!

Reveal the Reasons for Breaking Up with Agnez Mo, Deddy Corbuzier: It's Her Fault! Deddy Corbuzier and Agnez Mo © KapanLagi - It is no longer a secret that Deddy Corbuzier and Agnez Mo were once in a romantic relationship. However, their relationship ended without a known reason. Well, both of them are quite private about their personal lives.

Recently, Deddy finally spoke about his past. He shared this with Adhisty Zara during a conversation on his Podcast channel on Youtube.

Zara was talking about the types of men she hopes to have as a partner. One of the criteria is having a busy life, whether it's education or work. And that answer reminded Deddy of his past.


1. Reasons for Breaking up with Agnez Mo

In the middle of Zara's conversation, Deddy suddenly blurted out a story about his past with Agnez. According to him, they were both busy at the time, until they broke up.

"I experienced that with Agnez Mo, we were both busy. Then, we broke up. What can you do?" Deddy said.

2. Blaming Agnez Mo

Not wanting to discuss it in detail, Deddy simply ended his story by blaming Agnez Mo. Zara also commented on the presenter's past story on Hitam Putih.

"Well, at first we understood each other. Basically, it's her (Agnez) fault!" Deddy said firmly.

"Well, that means it's just not a good match," Zara replied briefly.

Deddy then quickly changed the subject and returned to the main topic, continuing his conversation with Zara. Curious about Deddy's shocking confession? Watch the complete video below!

3. Watch the Full Video!

Video by: Deddy Corbuzier


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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