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Revealing Ruben Onsu's Habits on Shooting Locations, Ramzi: Like a Mother, He Orders Anything

Revealing Ruben Onsu's Habits on Shooting Locations, Ramzi: Like a Mother, He Orders Anything Ramzi and Ruben © - Actor Ramzi always has interesting stories every time he shoots with Ruben Onsu. This time, both of them are involved in the Pesbukers Ramadhan ANTV program. He said that, as the husband of Sarwendah, Ruben always orders food to be eaten on the shooting location.

"So what becomes a challenge for me is shooting with them every night, especially this dangdut show (Ruben) is like a mother, he orders anything," said Ramzi, then laughed when met at Studio BSC, Cawang, East Jakarta, Monday (11/3/2024).

"And this show is close to iftar, so I think if I'm not very strong, I could eat anything," added Ramzi

1. Only Like Ordering Food

Ramzi added, the problem is that Ruben Onsu does not always eat the food that has been ordered beforehand. According to him, Jordi Onsu's brother often only orders food without actually eating it.

"Yes, he doesn't actually eat, just buys it. That's why my body is proportional and when I'm shooting with him, I feel insecure about my body," said Ramzi.

"Well, I just offer, and he usually takes it himself," Ruben Onsu added, then laughed.

2. Ruben's Old Habit

Ramzi said that Ruben Onsu's habit of buying food for shooting locations is not something new. According to him, this habit of the father of three children has been done since long ago. The reason is to make friends at the shooting location feel happy.

"He doesn't bring it, he buys it. He orders anything. He just touches it a little. But it's true that Ruben has always enjoyed seeing people eat, it makes him happy," concluded Ramzi.

Pesbukers Ramadan airs every day starting from Monday, March 11, 2024 at 16:30 WIB on ANTV. Pesbukers Ramadan is here to accompany loyal viewers before breaking their fast together with Ruben Onsu, Ramzy, Ummi Quary, Jirayut, Anwar BAB, Mpok Alpa, Wika Salim, Lala Widy, Verrel Bramasta, Randy Martin, Aldi Taher, and Ustadz Munawir Ngacir.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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