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Ririe Fairus Responds to Rumors of Ayus' Secret Marriage with Nissa Sabyan

Ririe Fairus Responds to Rumors of Ayus' Secret Marriage with Nissa Sabyan & - Ririe Fairus is determined to end her marriage with her husband, Ayus Sabyan, which has been going on since 2012. The mother of two filed for divorce from Ayus on January 27, 2021.

1. Mutual Agreement

According to Ririe, Ayus has agreed that divorce is the best solution to resolve their marital issues.

"This separation is a mutual decision. So Ayus has also agreed, and we separate amicably," said Ririe at the North Jakarta Religious Court on Wednesday (3/3/2021).

Ririe Fairus -

2. Ririe's Comment on the Rumor of Nikah Siri

When asked about the issue that led to the decision to divorce, Ririe refused to explain. Ririe only implied that she filed for divorce because her husband cheated on her with Nissa Sabyan.

"I don't need to explain anymore, because it's already clear," she said.

Furthermore, when asked about the rumor that her husband has married Nissa Sabyan secretly, Ririe claimed to have no knowledge.

"I don't know. That's it," Ririe said before leaving the crowd of journalists.





Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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