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Sad News, Malyda the Popular Singer of the 80s Has Passed Away

Sad News, Malyda the Popular Singer of the 80s Has Passed Away - Sad news comes from the music world of the homeland. Rosmalida or Malyda, a famous singer from the 1980s, passed away today, Tuesday (25/2/2025). This sad news was conveyed by music observer Stanley Tulung in his post on Instagram.

"Innalillaahi wa inna illaihi roji'uun.. Has passed away, our sister, brother, wife, mother, and grandmother.. Rosmalida binti Kalimuda Harahap (Malyda) Wife of Bob H. A. S. Djanegara. Today, Tuesday, February 25, 2025, at 09:40 AM, at the age of 61," he wrote in the caption of the post.

"Please forgive all her sins and mistakes. Also, please pray that she is forgiven and pardoned for all her sins and mistakes by Allaah SWT, and may she be placed in a noble position beside Him.. Aamiin YRA."

It was also mentioned that her body will be buried today at the family grave in Tonjong, Bogor. The body was sent from the funeral home in Cibubur, Cimanggis, Depok.

"Al fatihah Malyda, may she rest in peace beside the Almighty. Aamiin YTA," wrote Stanley Tulung at the end of his post's caption.

The team expresses its condolences on the passing of Malyda. May the deceased find the best place beside Him. May the family left behind be granted patience and strength.

1. Malyda's Career Journey

Malyda is known as a senior Indonesian singer who was active around the 1980s. Her name skyrocketed through her song with Deddy Dhukun, "Jadi Satu." This was followed by songs like Nurleila (1989) and Tak Pernah Berubah (1991).

Together with Deddy Dhukun, Dodo Zakaria, Billy J Budiardjo, Dian Pramana Poetra, and Fariz RM, she formed Tujuh Bintang with the hit song Semua Jadi Satu. At the end of her career, Malyda chose to focus on her family and pursue a boutique business.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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