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Saipul Jamil Still Appears on Television, 20 Years of Struggle by the National Commission for Child Protection Felt in Vain

Saipul Jamil Still Appears on Television, 20 Years of Struggle by the National Commission for Child Protection Felt in Vain Kapanlagi/Muhammad Akrom Sukarya - The Chairman of the National Commission for Child Protection (Komnas PA), Arist Merdeka, speaks out about the release of artist Saipul Jamil from prison. Arist Merdeka is furious because Saipul Jamil's release was celebrated so extravagantly, as if he had just won a competition.

What's even more frustrating is that immediately after being released from prison, Saipul Jamil appeared on television. However, the former husband of Dewi Persik was released from prison due to a sexual harassment case.


1. Feels in Vain

"Because the incident or event or what he did, sexual violence, is a special crime that should not be exposed. It's as if he just came home from a match, winning like that. It hurts the National Commission for Child Protection and child protection activists," said Arist Merdeka at his office on Monday (6/9/2021).

Moreover, seeing Saipul Jamil still roaming on television, Arist Merdeka considers his efforts to break the chain of sexual crimes against children to be in vain. "We have been fighting for almost 20 years on how to break the chain of sexual crimes. So it's not in vain. This becomes in vain because, once when he was released from prison even though he had served his sentence for his mistake," he said.

2. Boycott Saipul Jamil

As the chairman of the National Commission for Child Protection, Arist urges the public to boycott Saipul Jamil. Not only that, he also hopes that the wider community will turn off their televisions when Saipul Jamil appears on screen.

"Asking the public to stop turning off any television when Saipul Jamil is in the program. Because it becomes in vain for the struggle of the National Commission for Child Protection and child protection activists," he said. "Asking the public not to watch, turn off the television when he (Saipul Jamil) appears. With all due respect to production houses, television stations, don't just seek rating profits, it should be educational," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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