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See His Son Swimming Practice at Home, Nia Ramadhani Worries to Hold Her Breath

See His Son Swimming Practice at Home, Nia Ramadhani Worries to Hold Her Breath Nia Ramadhani (credit: - Which mother wouldn't worry when seeing her children doing something that can be considered dangerous for them. That's how Nia Ramadhani felt when she saw what her two sons, Mainaka and Magika, were doing.

What Naka and Gika did was just swimming practice, but because they are still young and still learning, as a mother, Nia became worried. This can be seen from the short videos she uploaded on Insta Story on Sunday (28/6/2020).

1. Magika Practices

The youngest child of Nia, Magika, is seen swimming with the help of a float board. She is certainly guided by a swimming coach who is watching over her.

"She's swimming," Nia writes. For Nia, this youngest child is still a baby because she is small herself.

2. Unable to Breathe Watching the Child Swim

After that, it's Mainaka's turn to practice swimming. Because she is older than her younger sibling, Naka no longer needs to use a float board. She even appears to be swimming on her own with the guidance of her coach. Seeing this, Nia admits to being afraid and feeling unable to breathe out of worry. But luckily, Naka manages to swim well.

Hopefully, Naka and Gika will quickly become proficient in swimming. And of course, stay healthy!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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