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Sharing with Mother, This is the Moment Jessica Mila Cried Expressing Her Feelings Before Giving Birth

Sharing with Mother, This is the Moment Jessica Mila Cried Expressing Her Feelings Before Giving Birth Moment Jessica Mila cries expressing her feelings before giving birth (credit: - Beautiful actress Jessica Mila is currently awaiting the birth of her first child with Yakup Putra Hasibuan. Approaching childbirth, the 31-year-old artist admits to being more sensitive and feeling a lot of worries.

In her latest social media post, Jessica Mila shared a moment when she confided in her mother. The short video shows the communication between Jessica Mila and her mother, capturing the attention of fans and netizens. Yakup Hasibuan's wife appeared unable to hold back her tears when sharing her feelings with her mother.

Curious about the moment Jessica Mila confided in her mother and cried? Find out more here, KLovers.

1. Sharing with Mother

Jessica Mila shared a short video expressing her deepest feelings to her mother. This beautiful actress poured out all her emotions that now surround her as she approaches the birth of her first child. Despite often showcasing the best moments on social media, Jessica Mila emphasized that she also feels worried during pregnancy.

"Although I often display the best moments on social media, it doesn't mean that I never feel worried. During pregnancy, my feelings become more sensitive and uncertain, I can suddenly feel sad and cry," Jessica Mila wrote in the caption @jscmila.

2. Full of Emotion

An emotional atmosphere was captured when Jessica Mila shared her feelings with her mother. Tears flowed as the artist revealed her inner thoughts. The eyes of Jessica Mila's mother also appeared teary, although she tried to hold back her tears to strengthen her daughter. On the other hand, Jessica Mila expressed gratitude for having a good support system like her mother.

"But I am very grateful because I have a good support system, one of which is my mother," she continued.

3. Expressing Overthinking Feelings

Approaching childbirth, Jessica Mila reveals that she often feels overthinking. This worry arises because she will soon experience her first time being a mother. Her feelings are the same as any other woman who is about to become a mother.

"Honestly, I am just like any other expecting mama. Lots of fears and worries," writes Jessica Mila.

4. Worried about Baby Blues

As a mother-to-be, Jessica Mila also expresses her worries. One of them is experiencing baby blues. The anxiety and fear of emotional changes that will occur after giving birth is what makes her overthink. However, her mother tries to calm Jessica Mila with positive messages.

"I am overthinking, I worry about so many things. Afraid that my life will definitely change, afraid of baby blues later," says Jessica Mila.

5. Afraid of No Breast Milk

In addition, there is another worry that also surrounds Jessica Mila's feelings. Such as her fear of not being able to provide breast milk to her baby. Jessica Mila is worried that the breast milk may not come out properly.

"Afraid that there will be no breast milk," she continued.

6. Anxious about Not Being a Good Mother

As a prospective mother, Jessica Mila also feels anxious about whether she will be able to be a good mother to her baby. The fear of not being able to fulfill the role of a good mother also disturbs her mind.

"I'm just afraid that I won't be able to be a good mother to my future child," said Jessica Mila.

7. Being Sent Motivational Video By Her Mother

In an effort to strengthen her daughter's heart, the mother sent a motivational video that provided support and encouragement to Jessica Mila. The video became a driving force for Jessica to stay strong and confident in facing the moments leading up to childbirth. Not forgetting, Jessica Mila expressed gratitude to her mother for her love and care throughout her life.

"It is true, a mother's love is eternal. Mama has always been there for me from childhood until now that I am about to become a mother. Hopefully, I can always be there and give the best for my future child," wrote Jessica Mila.

That was the moment when Jessica Mila cried emotionally when confiding in her mother about her feelings before giving birth. For those who have experienced something similar, Jessica Mila also gives a message and strengthens that they are not alone.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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