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Sheryl Sheinafia Feels Starstruck Being Able to Act with Donny Damara

Sheryl Sheinafia Feels Starstruck Being Able to Act with Donny Damara - Sheryl Sheinafia admitted that she is very happy to be involved in the Disney+ Hotstar series titled HUBUNGI AGEN GUE!. Because finally her dream came true, which is being able to work with director Teddy Soeriaatmadja and her idol actor, Donny Damara.

"Here, I feel okay because I play in one series but I have worked with two people that I have always wanted to work with, one is Teddy Soeriaatmadja and the other is uncle Donny Damara," said Sheryl Sheinafia when met in the Senayan area, Central Jakarta some time ago.

"But indeed I admire uncle Donny because I watched the movie (directed) by Teddy Soeriaatmadja, Lovely Man. That is one of my favorite films. I don't know how many times I've watched that movie. If I see uncle Donny in real life and then see him in the movie, it's different," she continued.

1. Starstruck for a Moment

Even when she found out that she got the role as Donny Damara's child, Sheryl Sheinafia felt starstruck. This was revealed by another cast member, Hannah Al Rashid.

"I remember when you found out who your dad is in this, your reaction was starstruck, right? When Sheryl found out that Donny Damara was her father, she was like haaaah Donny Damara," Hannah Al-Rashid said.

"There's even proof on Twitter in 2016. I was like oh my gosh, I'm a fan," Sheryl Sheinafia added.

2. Immediately Asked for a Photo

When she first met Donny Damara, Sheryl Sheinafia immediately asked him for a photo together. Interestingly, it turns out that the actor also knows Sheryl Sheinafia's mother.

"Actually, I call him uncle. It turns out that there's a connection with my mom too. When we met, 'Uncle, want to take a photo?' 'Oh my dear child,' 'Okay, I'll send it to mom,' 'Oh yeah, you're my uncle,' he jokingly said," she concluded with a laugh.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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