Asmirandah was blessed with a child after waiting for seven years of marriage with Jonas Rivanno. Chloe, who was born in 2020, has now grown up and is said to be getting more beautiful like her mother. Recently, Asmirandah has been seen trying to show evidence that she and Chloe look very alike. Check out her photos here, KLovers!
So Adorable, 9 Photos of Asmirandah Trying to Find Similarities with Chloe - Mother & Daughter Just as Beautiful
Celebrity Children
Initially, Asmirandah tried to show a childhood photo of hers that looks very much like Chloe.
Next, Asmirandah shows a photo of her holding balloons. Let's take a look at the next photo...
Here is a photo of Chloe holding a balloon. What do you think, KLovers, does it look similar to this photo?
To make it more convincing, Asmirandah uploaded her childhood photo again.
Does this look similar to this photo of Chloe? So cute!
Whether it looks similar or not, one thing is for sure, all netizens agree that this mother and child are both beautiful!
As she grows older, Chloe can now hang out in various places with her mom.
Some also say that Chloe's face is a blend of her mother and father.
Does Asmirandah still need to convince netizens that she looks very much like her child?
A Series of Photos of Kris Dayanti's Vacation with Her Stepchildren, United
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Forever Young, The Story of Indira Sudiro, the First Indonesian Princess of 1992 Who is Often Mistaken for Her Child's Girlfriend When Out Together
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Portrait of Mikhaela Lee, Nafa Urbach's Daughter, During Her Vacation in Japan, Even More Beautiful!
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8 Portraits of El Barack, Jessica Iskandar's Child, Who Wrote an Open Letter to Santa Claus, Not Asking for Much, Just 10 Thousand Dollars
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Mikhayla's Charming Action, Nia Ramadhani's Daughter, Playing Basketball, Her Beautiful Looks Are Eye-Catching
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