You are familiar with the figure of Chef Haryo after he frequently appeared on the screen and became a celebrity chef. After a long absence, it turns out Chef Haryo has repented.
What does he look like now? Let's find out!
How are Indonesian Celebrities
You are familiar with the figure of Chef Haryo after he frequently appeared on the screen and became a celebrity chef. After a long absence, it turns out Chef Haryo has repented.
What does he look like now? Let's find out!
You are familiar with the figure of Chef Haryo as a celebrity chef who often appeared on television programs back then. But not many know that he has now repented.
He suddenly disappeared from the screen, until it was known through the YouTube account apunk65 #GasJon !! that he was facing a trial.
"When I fell, when I lost my job, lost my family, then everything was lost, material possessions and so on. But it turns out that's when I chose religion as my refuge," he said.
Even when in the Netherlands, he had turned into a liberal and seemed indifferent to God.
"I saw the humanistic life in the Netherlands. Human rights were elevated, there I became very liberal. So I thought that I could do it because of me, I was honest because of me, I achieved because of me, and at that time I didn't have a religion," he added.
Now, after converting, he lives a more peaceful life because he relies on the Creator.
He has also married a beautiful woman named Sherly Milana Daud in September 2019.
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