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Successfully Sold Over 100 Thousand Products in One Day, Ruben Onsu Generates Billions in Revenue on Shopee Live

Successfully Sold Over 100 Thousand Products in One Day, Ruben Onsu Generates Billions in Revenue on Shopee Live (c) Instagram/ruben_onsu - The achievements of Indonesian celebrities who have successfully generated large revenue while selling through live streaming lately have surprised many netizens. One of them is Ruben Onsu, who has now proven his success by achieving fantastic profits on Shopee Live. Ruben surprisingly managed to sell over 100 thousand products in one day after deciding to move his store to Shopee Live.

The excitement of the live streaming feature during the peak of the Shopee 8.8 Grand Beauty & Fashion Festival campaign has received an incredible response from users, including Ruben's followers and fans, and has even been watched up to 9 million times.

Ruben expressed his gratitude for this proud achievement through a post on his Instagram account @ruben_onsu on August 9, 2023, "Juwarak! Shopee Live is a gold mine! Sold OVER 100 THOUSAND PRODUCTS in one day and watched up to 9 MILLION TIMES... Thank you so much for your support!" In the photo, Ruben can be seen enjoying the live shopping session on Shopee Live.

Credit: Instagram/ruben_onsu

"Berat sama dipikul, ringan sama dijinjing" is a proverb that can describe today's live streaming session. Ruben's ambition to make money on Shopee Live has received full support from his beloved wife. Not half-hearted, besides directly participating to enliven the live shopping session by selling on Ruben Onsu's account on August 8th, Sarwendah also congratulated the success achieved by her husband. "Congratulations, Dad! Harvesting billions of rupiah on Shopee Live, successfully selling 100 thousand products in one day! Our family is very proud," said Sarwendah as quoted from a photo post on Instagram account @sarwendah29.

The Beginning of Ruben and Sarwendah's Decision to Add a New Stall

Previously, Ruben and Sarwendah are a couple who are keen to see opportunities to earn additional income.They have done several live shopping sessions through Shopee Live with extraordinary results. Of course, in addition to the attractive promos presented by Shopee Live, the unity of this celebrity couple also attracts the attention of their fans. The interactive Q&A sessions with users also liven up Ruben's stall on Shopee Live, which ultimately leads to this proud achievement.

Ruben's decision to add a new selling stall to explore additional income is the right step. In addition to the sensational news from his fellow artists who have also joined Shopee Live, the Shopee Live feature is touted as the most frequently used live streaming feature for online shopping, far surpassing its closest competitors. Where, 69% of respondents choose Shopee Live as the most frequently used live streaming feature by the Indonesian community, surpassing its competitors, such as the new player TikTok Live, which lags far behind at 25%.

Through research from Populix entitled "Understanding Live Streaming Shopping Ecosystem in Indonesia," it is also revealed that Shopee Live is the most preferred live streaming platform (66%), followed by the new player TikTok Live (28%).

So it's the Right and Popular Money Field

With a series of promotions during the peak of 8.8 yesterday, as well as the best Shopee Live promotions, All 50% Discount for a variety of products complete with the cheapest prices! No wonder, this stall becomes a field to dig for profit for sellers or streamers. From the same research, it is revealed that Shopee Live has the highest market share of transactions (56%), followed by TikTok Live with a percentage of 30%.

In line with the spread of Indonesian people's preferences when shopping through live streaming features, where one of them is looking for Live Shopping with the most attractive offers. The majority of shopping characteristics and styles still refer to searching for promotions or attractive offers. The most attractive promotions according to the public are free shipping (91%), discounts (87%), cashback (65%), shopping vouchers (47%), special bundles (34%), and exclusive product launches (20%).

Credit: Istimewa

Various research data above apparently lead to the conclusion that Shopee Live is the live streaming feature with the cheapest prices, as well as many promotions and free shipping. Not only that, this live streaming feature also offers various attractive discounts and tempting cashback. Let's wait for the excitement in the next episode of this fortune search!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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