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Syahnaz Sadiqah's Twin Children Enter Baby Buying and Selling Account, Raffi Ahmad Speaks Out

Syahnaz Sadiqah's Twin Children Enter Baby Buying and Selling Account, Raffi Ahmad Speaks Out Raffi Ahmad © KapanLagi/Akrom Sukarya - Unpleasant news has come to the attention of Raffi Ahmad's family. It was recently discovered that the twin children of Syahnaz Sadiqah named Zayn Sadavir Ezhilan Ismail and Zunaira Alessia Safaraz Ismail were used by a baby buying and selling account on Instagram.

Of course, this has angered Raffi's family. Although they haven't heard it directly from Syahnaz, Nagita Slavina's husband also condemns the irresponsible individuals who used someone else's baby photos for buying and selling.

"If it's an irresponsible account like that, it shouldn't be like that. Until now, Syahnaz hasn't told me about it. But if it's true that it entered a child selling account, then it's not right," said Raffi when met at Studio 41, Warung Nagih, South Jakarta, on Thursday (5/3/2020).

1. Will Raffi Ahmad Report to the Police?

So far, the steps taken by the family have been to report the account to Instagram. However, if they continue to be stubborn, Raffi will report the account to the police.

"Actually, if something like that is posted on Instagram, we will report it to Instagram first. We will see how it goes. If they continue to do things that are unfair and disrespectful beyond limits, then we can report it to the police," he added.

2. Raffi Ahmad Will Continue Posting Photos of His Children

Although he tends to be relaxed, Raffi and his family will now be more cautious to prevent similar incidents from happening again. And this incident will not stop Raffi from uploading photos of his children to his social media accounts in the future.

"Well, we will just be cautious about things like that. But we won't exaggerate because we know what has crossed the line and what hasn't. And we know what we should do. As for me, if I want to post, I will just post. If someone blames us, we will investigate. If someone goes beyond limits, then we will report it to the police," continued the famous presenter.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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