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The Ideal Husband Figure, These 7 Photos of Indra Priawan Show How He Pays Attention to Nikita Willy - Willing to Accompany His Wife Walking for Almost 7 Hours

The Ideal Husband Figure, These 7 Photos of Indra Priawan Show How He Pays Attention to Nikita Willy - Willing to Accompany His Wife Walking for Almost 7 Hours Portrait of Indra Priawan's Attention to Nikita Willy (credit: instagram/indpriw/nikitawillyofficial94) - Nikita Willy is currently known to be pregnant with her first child. In this pregnancy period, Nikita Willy and her husband Indra Priawan seem even more intimate. They are truly like a happy and harmonious married couple.

During some moments with his wife, Indra showed that he is an ideal husband. This can be seen from several posts on Instagram. In various posts, Indra appears to take care of and treat Nikita very well. Curious, what is the portrait like?

Instead of being more curious, let's take a look at some of the portraits below.


1. Being a Alert Husband

During his wife's big pregnancy, Indra Priawan turned into an alert husband. Indra always seemed to be taking care of Nikita. While on vacation in Antelope Canyon, Arizona, Indra was very careful with Nikita by holding her hand so she wouldn't slip.


2. Attentive

Nikita Willy and Indra Priawan are currently in America. Nikita is reportedly going to give birth there. Before the delivery, Indra seems to be more attentive to Nikita and her pregnancy. One of the ways Indra shows his care is by caressing his wife's belly.


3. Spoiling His Wife

While in America, Nikita Willy seems very happy. Indra seems to be treating Nikita well. Nikita is so spoiled with luxurious facilities that provide comfort.


4. More Romantic

Not only being an alert husband, it seems that Indra Priawan's wife's pregnancy also makes him more romantic. In one moment, Indra kept staring at Nikita Willy who was eating. As if just by seeing his wife eat, Indra could also feel full. So sweet, KLovers.


5. Focus on Wife

In addition to becoming more romantic, Indra Priawan is also becoming more focused on his wife. When with Nikita Willy, Indra's attention seems only to be on Nikita. It was proven when he was with his wife, Indra did not touch his phone and chose to focus on Nikita.  


6. Always Accompanying

Indra Priawan always accompanies Nikita Willy wherever she goes. As a result, during their time in America, Nikita and Indra were always together as if inseparable. Indra did this solely to take care of his beloved wife.  


7. Accompanying the Wife for a Walk

Another proof of Indra Priawan's attention to Nikita Willy during her pregnancy occurred when his wife wanted to take a walk. Yes, walking is good for pregnancy. Indra then agreed to his wife's request by taking her for a walk in an amusement park. Not half-hearted, Indra accompanied his wife for a walk for almost 7 hours.

Those are some of the romantic moments of Indra Priawan with Nikita Willy during her pregnancy. How about KLovers, isn't this celebrity couple really sweet?



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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