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The Story Behind Dorce Gamalama's Name, the Gift of the Waria Dance Group - Initially Had to Undergo a Special Ritual

The Story Behind Dorce Gamalama's Name, the Gift of the Waria Dance Group - Initially Had to Undergo a Special Ritual The origin of the name Dorce Gamalama (credit: special) - The Indonesian entertainment world has lost a multi-talented figure. Dorce Gamalama passed away on Wednesday (16/2) at RSPP Simprug. Dorce died due to being exposed to covid-19 and the complications of the disease he suffered from.

Previously, he underwent treatment for about 3 weeks. Recently, his health condition has deteriorated drastically and he could not be saved.

During his lifetime, Dorce Gamalama was known as a singer, songwriter, presenter, and actress. And apparently, behind his popular name, there is a story. How did he start using the name Dorce Gamalama? Check out the following review.

1. Dorce Gamalama was born with the name Dedi Yuliardi, which was given by both of his parents, Achmad and Dalifah.

2. The name Dorce itself was given by Myran, a waria dance group called Fantastic Dolls.

3. The nickname Dorce was given because the artist, who was born in Solok, West Sumatra, often portrayed female characters.

4. Meanwhile, the name Gamalama was given by Sultan Ternate, Sultan Mudaffar Syah.

5. "The name Gamalama was given by Sultan Ternate, Sultan Mudaffar Syah, the name of a mountain in North Maluku, precisely in Ternate," said Dorce as quoted from

6. To be able to use the name Gamalama, Dorce had to undergo a number of rituals on Mount Gamalama.

7. "To go up there, we need permission first. It's not easy to get there. If we're not blessed, we can't go there," said Dorce.

8. "And in the midst of it, there is holy water called Abdas. If we're not blessed, the water won't come out. It's magical," he added.

9. For Dorce, his name brings blessings in his life. He can achieve popularity in the entertainment world of the homeland.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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