Kapanlagi.com - Before becoming a republic as it is today, Indonesia was once divided into several kingdom regions. Starting from the Hindu-Buddhist Kingdom to the Islamic Kingdom. However, after Indonesia's independence, only a few Kingdoms still maintain their sultanate to remain standing as a kingdom.
One of them is the Yogyakarta Sultanate in D.I.Y Yogyakarta. The existence of historical traces of kingdoms in Indonesia also indicates the preservation of the descendants of nobility from the kingdoms in Indonesia.
Due to the changing times, these noble descendants no longer reside in the Sultan's Palace as they used to. They also engage in many things with various professions like ordinary people, including some who work as celebrities. Here are a series of celebrities who are descendants of nobility.
1. Maia Estianty

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According to suara.com, former wife of Ahmad Dhani, who is also a famous Indonesian musician, turns out to be the great-grandchild of national hero H.O.S Tjokoroaminoto. Not many people know about this because Maia herself started her career in the entertainment world without bringing her noble title from Kasunan Keraton Solo with the title Kanjeng Mas Ayu.
2. Paramitha Rusady

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This senior artist, who started her career in 1973, also apparently received noble blood and title from both of her parents. According to theasianparent.com, the parents of Paramitha Rusady both have noble titles, her father with the title Raden Mas Yus Rusady, and her mother with the title Raden Ayu Marry Zumarya.
3. Dewi Yull

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Another senior artist who is also of noble descent is Dewi Yull who started her career in 1977. Quoted from Gridpop.id, this celebrity, whose full name is Raden Ajeng Dewi Pujiati, inherited her noble blood from her father who is descended from the Cirebon Sultanate and from her mother who is descended from the nobility of Palembang Malay.
4. Ardina Rasty

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FTV player Ardina Rasty is also an artist who was born with a noble title. Ardina Rasty herself was born with the name and title Raden Ajeng Ardina Rasty Widiani. As quoted from Merdeka.com, her noble title was taken from her mother who is descended from the Mangkunegaraan Palace.
5. Anggun C. Sasmi

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As reported by merdeka.com, Indonesian international singer Anggun C. Sasmi, who has an exotic face, is actually descended from nobility, with her mother being a close relative of the Keraton Yogyakarta.
This article was written by: Siti Radibah Imatufariq
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.