Kiki ex CJR, also known as Teuku Ryzki, recently provided clarification regarding the situation involving comedian Fico Fachriza related to a loan. Check out the complete story below!
This is the Reason Kiki Ex CJR Uploaded Chat with Fico Fachriza Who Borrowed Money from Him, Expressing Disappointment
In a post on Instagram, Kiki emphasized that his intention was not to tarnish Fico's reputation, but rather to express disappointment over Fico's actions in borrowing money under false pretenses.
"My initial purpose of posting was not to slander. Just to show my disappointment," Kiki stated as seen on his Instagram, Monday (30/12/2024).
In her clarification video, Kiki stated that she does not want to prolong this issue and hopes that similar incidents do not happen to others.
"Hopefully, other friends do not experience similar cases like I did. So, I think that's enough," she continued.
"I think my intentions are clear, and the person involved already understands what I mean. So, I believe there is no need to exaggerate further, and I think the matter is settled," Kiki explained.
Kiki also refused to be interviewed further regarding this issue, as she does not want to exploit the situation for personal gain.
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