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This is What Luna Maya Usually Does When Solo Traveling

This is What Luna Maya Usually Does When Solo Traveling Luna Maya © Prayoga - Luna Maya is one who likes to do solo traveling. According to her, everyone needs me time amidst their daily activities.

“Quite often. I often (go on vacation) alone. It requires me time,” said Luna Maya when met in the Gunawarman area, South Jakarta, on Thursday (5/3).

1. The Fun of Solo Vacation

When going on a solo vacation, Luna Maya usually enjoys seeing the scenery while listening to music and reading books or going to museums. In addition, one thing she likes when solo traveling is that she doesn't have to interact with other people.

“(The fun of solo traveling) is not talking, just being silent, being alone, seeing the scenery, taking photos, going to museums, listening to music, watching movies, reading books. So there is absolutely no interaction with others. Even if there is interaction with new people we don't know at all, like eating at a restaurant,” she explained.

“Sometimes we need it because I meet people and talk every day. Sometimes we need to shut down everything and just focus on ourselves,” Luna Maya continued.

2. Dream of Traveling the World

However, when asked about her favorite country, Luna Maya cannot choose. Because every country has different experiences and cultures. That's why she also dreams of being able to travel the world.

"I can't say that I really like this (country). Every country, every city must have its own differences, there are new cultures, even different architectures, and different knowledge. Even since the beginning, when I'm interviewed about 'what is your dream?', it's always traveling the world. I want to see the world. So hopefully, it will come true," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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