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Together with Cak Lontong and Surya Insomnia, NET Launches New Program 'The Net.izen' Featuring Viral Content

Together with Cak Lontong and Surya Insomnia, NET Launches New Program 'The Net.izen' Featuring Viral Content Net.izen (credit: Personal Documentation) - NET has launched a new program that features viral content titled 'The Net.izen'. The program will be hosted by Cak Lontong and co-hosted by Surya Insomnia. In addition to the comedy duo, 'The Net.izen' also features presenter Karina Nadila, and Avant Putravan, as well as guest stars who are currently viral on social media.

'The Net.izen' starts on June 3, 2021, on Thursday and Friday at 9:30 PM WIB. The introduction of the new program 'The Net.izen' makes it an interesting talk show according to Andrian Syahputra (Head of Content NET).

“The Netizen program offers the excitement of a light-hearted talk show with a comedic touch, discussing viral topics from two perspectives, from the side of the relevant public figures and from the perspective of netizens. Like issues that often go viral on social media, there are also pros and cons that color the discussions of emerging issues in a more directed manner to minimize communication blockages that may often arise on social media,” explained Andrian Syahputra.

1. Creating New Creative Programs

Continuing to be a highly-watched television channel, NET continues to create new and interesting programs to discuss various issues on social media.

"NET is committed to presenting new and creative programs as entertaining viewing for viewers at home. The Net.izen program aims to address various viral issues in a light-hearted manner, as well as bring together viral figures and content with netizens who often become commentators. Netizens who have been actively responding to information on social media can interact directly with the source of viral content and participate by giving their opinions through interactive surveys in this program. In essence, The Net.izen is packaged as a light talk show with entertaining informational content that is certainly filled with humor, along with the Host and Co-host of The Net.izen program, chosen by NET for their exciting characters," added MY Sandy (AVP Production NET).

2. Prepare New Program

In addition to "The Net.izen," NET is also preparing its newest programs on the screen in June. NET is preparing two drama series that will be aired in the afternoon for viewers and families. Meanwhile, in the evening, music shows are also ready to be presented in the second week of June 2021.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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