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Trying Mr. Grey Scene, Andhika Pratama is Upset Because Ussy Sulistiawaty Does This

Trying Mr. Grey Scene, Andhika Pratama is Upset Because Ussy Sulistiawaty Does This Ussy and Andhika (credit: instagram @ussypratama) - In the celebrity life, they always candidly talk about their bedroom life. Just like the harmonious couple, Andhika Pratama and Ussy Sulistiawati.

Andhika mentioned that Ussy is a conventional wife. Through the Youtube channel Ussy Andhika Official, on Saturday (29/8), this husband and wife once tried to have a relationship with scenes like in the movie Mr. Grey.

1. Mr. Grey Movie Scene

At that time, Andhika Pratama told that he had tried a scene like in the movie Mr. Grey. But when it was practiced, Andhika's imagination was reversed and he became upset when having a relationship with Ussy, so it became a joke that they could laugh together.

"He once finished watching this (Mr. Grey), and then woohh his imagination was like 'I want to try to be Mr. Grey', it became so ridiculous but in the middle of it, he laughed, do you like it or not, don't laugh. It will be weird", explained Andhika Pratama to Ayu Dewi and her husband.

2. Tell His Friends

Furthermore, Ussy immediately interrupted and told her friends about it after having a relationship with Andhika. Many of her friends didn't believe it at first.

"My friends, when I tell them, they initially don't believe it, how could you be like that, when he (Andhika Pratama) said it, oh it's true, at first they didn't believe it, how could it be, yes-yes, then he (Andhika) said it directly, yes it's true," said Ussy Sulistiawaty.


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