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Ucok Baba Confused Responding to Raffi Ahmad's Kindness

Ucok Baba Confused Responding to Raffi Ahmad's Kindness Ucok Baba © Akrom Sukarya - Ucok Baba Just received an extraordinary gift from his friend, Raffi Ahmad. He was just bought a new HRV car worth hundreds of millions.

Surely when receiving this gift Ucok Baba felt very uncomfortable with Raffi Ahmad. He even thought about giving his old car to Raffi, but it was rejected by Nagita Slavina's husband.

When met at his residence in Depok, West Java, (25/8) Wednesday afternoon Ucok Baba admitted that he still hasn't thought about what to do with his old car. He also mentioned that there is no special history attached to his old car.

"I don't know yet, haven't thought about selling the old car. As for the old car, there is no special history, it just accompanied me everywhere, that's the memory," said Ucok Baba.

1. Ucok Baba Confused

Not only that, to repay Raffi Ahmad's kindness, Ucok Baba is also confused. Moreover, of course, Raffi will definitely refuse if given something to repay his kindness.

"As for me, I don't have anything, he really wants to help. So for me, it's impossible because he won't want it either. As for me, it's also impossible to give something because he already has everything, a sultan," he said.

Nevertheless, the 50-year-old comedian will still repay Raffi Ahmad's kindness in another way. Ucok plans to give Raffi Durian and traditional food typical of his region.

"Most likely durian, it might happen. Because being a sultan is difficult, maybe I'll just buy him traditional food," he added.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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