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Undergo Additional Examination at Metro Jaya Regional Police, Gisella Anastasia Asked for Prayers from Gempi

Undergo Additional Examination at Metro Jaya Regional Police, Gisella Anastasia Asked for Prayers from Gempi Gisella Anastasia undergoes examination at Metro Jaya Regional Police © Herdianto - Gisella Anastasia undergoes additional examination related to the case of the obscene video that implicated her at Metro Jaya Regional Police, South Jakarta, Friday (10/12). Although she admitted to feeling anxious, she felt grateful because she received the strength of prayers from her family and friends.

"(Support) from the family, friends, everyone is extraordinary, always praying, providing a comfortable environment for me to keep moving forward. Since yesterday, friends have been strengthening me. I was also prayed for before leaving," said Gisella Anastasia after the examination.

"I truly believe that everything is going according to His plan. Allowed to happen according to God's plan as well. So it's okay, I have made peace with the situation. I have also built a stronger connection with the One above (God), so I'm not panicking anymore," she continued.

1. Pray for Gempi

Gisella Anastasia also didn't forget to ask for prayers for her beloved daughter, Gempita Nora Marten, before undergoing an examination. Although Gempi doesn't know what problem is currently happening, according to Gisel, her child is becoming more mature as she grows older.

"The more we talk, the more familiar her child becomes, the older she gets, the more she is just herself when she's with Gempi. She doesn't know (the problem) yet, she didn't hear it from anywhere, but earlier she wanted to leave, 'Gempi, pray for mama before leaving. For what? For peace and joy for mama today. Okay?' and then Gempi prayed for her," she explained.

2. Grateful for Still Having Time with Gempi

Gisella Anastasia also feels grateful because amidst the ongoing legal process, she can still work and have the opportunity to spend time with Gempi.

"For me, yesterday I got extra time to enjoy with Gempi, still given the opportunity to work, enjoy the view in Indonesia, and explore new experiences. That alone is already an extraordinary blessing for me," said the former wife of Gading Marten.

"So if you ask me if I think it's tiring, of course it's tiring, but if we look at it from the perspective of gratitude, then life doesn't feel heavy. I'm grateful that I can still meet Gempi, that's an extraordinary gratitude," she concluded.

3. Gisel was worried

Gisella Anastasia admitted that she was worried when called again by investigators for additional questioning. This is because her case was previously halted for a long time and now it has started again.

4. Trying to do the best

Although the legal process is still ongoing, Gisella Anastasia does not want to remain silent and drown in sadness. She must continue to try her best for her only child, Gempi.

5. Having more than one explicit video

After the distributor of the explicit video was sentenced to nine months in prison and fined IDR 50 million or three months of imprisonment by the judges of the South Jakarta District Court, the legal representatives of MN and PP spoke up.

Roberto Sitohang, as the legal representative of the distributor of Gisel and Nobu's explicit videos, stated that they have more explicit videos besides the one currently circulating, which lasts for 19 seconds. He revealed this based on the facts revealed in his client's trial.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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