Ariel NOAH is very close to his only daughter, Alleia. So close, that the father and daughter look like besties. As a father, Ariel has a wish for his daughter. Curious what it is? Check out the complete photos below!
Celebrity Children
Ariel NOAH is very close to his only daughter, Alleia. So close, that the father and daughter look like besties. As a father, Ariel has a wish for his daughter. Curious what it is? Check out the complete photos below!
Ariel NOAH, a famous Indonesian singer, recently expressed his desire for his daughter, Alleia, to have a nose similar to that of his ex-wife, Sarah Amalia.
Ariel praised his daughter's beautiful face and cute nose. Ariel has previously conveyed this wish to his ex-wife, Sarah Amalia.
"Alleia's nose is cute. When she was little, she told her mom that when she was born, she should have a nose like her mom's, the rest of her face should be all mine," explained Ariel as reported by the Bundlifetainment YouTube channel.
Alleia is now growing up and has a very beautiful face. Ariel's wish has already been dashed, KLovers.
Alleia's features resemble Sarah Amelia, while her nose is exactly like Ariel's. What do you think, KLovers?
"It turns out to be the opposite, it's actually my nose that is on Alleia's face," said Ariel while laughing. Â
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