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Vicky Prasetyo Meets His Doppelganger, His Voice Impresses Kalina Ocktaranny

Vicky Prasetyo Meets His Doppelganger, His Voice Impresses Kalina Ocktaranny Kalina Ocktaranny © Herdianto - Not long ago, Vicky Prasetyo's wife, Kalina Ocktaranny, was rumored to be pregnant due to a missed period. Although not truly pregnant yet, Kalina has made some strange requests like a pregnant woman.

There is one strange request from Kalina that made her husband shake his head, which is asking for someone who looks like Vicky Prasetyo. "Now it's weird, she wants to gather people who look like me, 'I want to see people who look like you' she said. Gathered at my house," said Vicky, not long ago.

1. Open Competition

For Kalina, Vicky Prasetyo immediately searched for people who resemble him. In fact, Vicky opened a competition on his Instagram account. If there is someone who really looks like him, Vicky will give a cash prize of 100 million.

"That's why I'm giving 100 million to anyone who looks like me. I've made it, the important thing is to make my wife happy," he said.

2. A Singer

Apparently, when Vicky posted the contest, it was immediately welcomed by people who resemble Kalina Oktarani's husband, one of whom is Alfin Alberto. A singer who has just released the single Agar Kau Bahagia.

As shown on Vicky Prasetyo Entertainment's YouTube channel, Alfin visited Vicky's house in the Bekasi area. Alfin was willing to come all the way from Bali to participate in the contest resembling Vicky Prasetyo.

3. Welcomed

Alfin's arrival was warmly welcomed by Kalina. Not only does he resemble Vicky Prasetyo in appearance, but Alfin Alberto also showed his talent as a singer.

In fact, upon hearing Alfin's voice, Kalina was immediately amazed by the man. Seeing his doppelganger having singing abilities, Vicky Prasetyo became interested in producing Alfin Alberto.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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