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Viral Appearance of the Music Video 'Sapu Lidi Istri Sah Jadi Janda', Intentionally Imitating the Concept of Sabyan Gambus

Viral Appearance of the Music Video 'Sapu Lidi Istri Sah Jadi Janda', Intentionally Imitating the Concept of Sabyan Gambus Taya Tasya / Photo Credit: Personal Documentation - Amidst rumors of an affair between Ayus and Nissa, the music group Sabyan Gambus has released their latest single titled Sapu Jagat. Released on March 13, 2021, the song immediately garnered over 7 million views on Youtube as of the time this news was published.

Interestingly, shortly after the song Sapu Jagat, another song titled Sapu Lidi Istri Sah Jadi Janda emerged. Not only is the title similar, but the visual concept of the music video is also very similar, with a monochrome or black and white theme.

Sapu Lidi Istri Sah Jadi Janda is a song by a singer named Taya Tasya, composed by Sofwan Bombom. The song tells a story of choosing to endure pain or leave for happiness.

The music video for "Sapu Jagat" was filmed in a music studio with musical instruments and studio equipment such as lights in the background.

The overall concept of the music video for "Sapu Jagat" was entirely taken from the song "Sapu Lidi Istri Sah Jadi Janda". Even the singer, known as Taya Taysa, resembles Nissa Sabyan in appearance.

In addition to being sung by Taya Tasya, the song "Sapu Lidi Istri Sah Jadi Janda" was composed by Sofwan Bombom. This song tells a story of choosing to endure pain or leave for happiness.

1. Intentionally Imitating the Concept of 'Sapu Jagat'

When confirmed, Taya Tasya did not deny that the concept of the music video for the song 'Sapu Lidi Istri Sah Jadi Janda' indeed imitates the concept of 'Sapu Jagat' by Sabyan Gambus. It was intentionally done to take advantage of the trending moment.

"The concept was intentionally made the same. Because of the producer and management's desire, I just followed along, taking advantage of the trending moment," said Taya.

Taya Tasya / Photo Credit: Personal Documentation

The song 'Sapu Lidi Istri Sah Jadi Janda' itself is suspected to be an anecdote from the confession of Ayus Sabyan's wife, Ririe Fairus, who became a victim of infidelity. The song was actually released a few days ago, but it was re-released because it had the right momentum, coinciding with the release of 'Sapu Jagat' by Sabyan Gambus.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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