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With the Typical Beauty of Indonesian Women, 7 Beautiful Photos of BCL Wearing Kebaya When Attending a Wedding Event Like a Palace Princess - Harmoniously Appearing with Dimas Beck

With the Typical Beauty of Indonesian Women, 7 Beautiful Photos of BCL Wearing Kebaya When Attending a Wedding Event Like a Palace Princess - Harmoniously Appearing with Dimas Beck

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With the Typical Beauty of Indonesian Women, 7 Beautiful Photos of BCL Wearing Kebaya When Attending a Wedding Event Like a Palace Princess - Harmoniously Appearing with Dimas Beck

By: Melani Juwita Putri Pratiwi

The multi-talented singer and beautiful artist, Bunga Citra Lestari or BCL always looks stunning at every event. In addition to being talented, BCL is also admired for her beauty. With the typical beauty of Indonesian women, her charm is even more radiating when she wears a kebaya outfit when attending a mesmerizing wedding event. Curious about what it looks like? Let's take a look at some of the photos below!


BCL looks beautiful and charming in a complete kebaya outfit with kain jarik and selendang. Added with stunning makeup and hair tied up in a bun.


BCL looks very graceful with a tall and slender body posture. She looks flexible wearing kebaya and poses that show her graceful side even more.

With the Typical Beauty of Indonesian Women, 7 Beautiful Photos of BCL Wearing Kebaya When Attending a Wedding Event Like a Palace Princess - Harmoniously Appearing with Dimas Beck

Added with flawless makeup, BCL looks even more charming and refreshing. Her natural beauty shines through.


In her kebaya outfit, BCL looks like a beautiful, graceful, and gentle princess from the palace.


BCL is one of many celebrities who have the typical beauty of Indonesian women. With a kebaya outfit and natural makeup, she truly looks like a Javanese princess.


Among her friends who also dressed up similarly, BCL still shines the brightest among them. Showcasing her sweet smile with grace.


Dimas Beck was also seen attending the wedding event. When they took a photo together, Dimas and BCL looked very harmonious like a king and queen of the palace.