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Becoming a Widow at a Young Age, Nadzira Shafa Makes the Film '172 DAYS' a Love Letter to the Late Ameer Azzikra

Becoming a Widow at a Young Age, Nadzira Shafa Makes the Film '172 DAYS' a Love Letter to the Late Ameer Azzikra Nadzira Shafa wrote the novel '172 DAYS', which is now turned into a film. (credit: Abbas Nugroho) - Nadzira Shafa's name became the public's attention when she married Muhammad Ameer Azzikra, the son of the late Ustaz Arifin Ilham. Unfortunately, their marriage was short-lived as Ameer passed away six months later due to liver and lung problems.

The love story inspired the novel titled 172 Days, written by Nadzira. During the writing process, she used it as a way to cope with her grief.

"From the beginning, I have always enjoyed writing in my diary and creating short stories. When Ameer passed away, I was lost and felt like there was no way out of the black hole. So, I chose to write as a way to climb out and become a better person," said Nadzira during an interview in Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta, last week.

1. Last Love Letter

After being published, the novel 172 Days gained many fans and was later adapted into a film. Nadzira Shafa sees the film version as her last love letter to Ameer Azzikra.

"The film 172 DAYS can be considered my last love letter to the late Ameer. It's my way of remembering him in the way I want to. I loved him for the sake of Allah, and through that, I got to know myself," said Nadzira.

2. Known as the Late Almarhum's Family

From the process of writing the novel to its adaptation into a film, Nadzira Shafa has received approval from the family of the late Ameer Azzikra. What is written is not a biography but a story inspired by real events.

"From the beginning of the creation of this novel, I told him (Alvin Faiz), when it was published there was also a book discussion at Az-Zikra, when it was approached to be made into a film, we also discussed it. From the beginning, this novel is not a biography, it is only inspired by the figure of the late strong man in his youth," said Nadzira.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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