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After a Decade Absence, D'Masiv Finally Trusted to Perform at Jakarta Fair 2023

After a Decade Absence, D'Masiv Finally Trusted to Perform at Jakarta Fair 2023 D'Masiv will return to perform at PRJ 2023 / Credit Photo: - Irfan Kafril - The largest exhibition event in Southeast Asia, Jakarta Fair, will finally be held again in 2023. After two years of being postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Jakarta Fair will take place from June 14 to July 16, 2023 at Jiexpo Kemayoran, Central Jakarta.

This is certainly good news for the public, because in addition to shopping and enjoying the available rides, visitors can also enjoy the performances of the event's performers, from small stages to the main stage. Jakarta Fair 2023 is also good news for one of the top bands in the country who is also a performer, D'Masiv.

This is because D'Masiv is finally trusted to shake the main stage of PRJ after a decade of absence. Not only that, this also coincides with D'Masiv's 20th anniversary.

"The moment is right, where D'Masiv is 20 years old and we happen to have a concert tour. This seems like a special moment because we can return to perform at Jakarta Fair," said Rian D'Masiv.

1. Memories of D'Masiv Performing at PRJ in 2006

In addition, Rian also reminisced about the time when he and his bandmates performed at PRJ long before they gained popularity. Rian explained that they actually first performed at PRJ in 2006 using the name Masiv.

"It was still called Masiv back then. We were an unknown band, not many people watched us. It was fun playing other people's songs and our own songs, but to get attention, we played songs that were already popular at that time, in 2006," he said.

2. Jakarta Fair Has Become a Lifestyle

Rian believes that over time, Jakarta Fair has become a lifestyle, especially for the people of Jakarta.

"It has become a lifestyle, first of all, for people in Jakarta. If you don't go to Jakarta Fair, you're not cool," he said.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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