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'Senandung Rindu' Concert Volume 2 Will Be Held, Get Ready to Nostalgize with Obbie Mesakh to Meriam Bellina

'Senandung Rindu' Concert Volume 2 Will Be Held, Get Ready to Nostalgize with Obbie Mesakh to Meriam Bellina credit: JK Records - The concert titled 'Senandung Rindu' was successfully held at Gandaria City Hall on Saturday (06/03/2023) by presenting legendary singers from JK Records who were hits in the 80s such as Dian Piesesha, Obbie Mesakh, Meriam Bellina, Heidy Diana, and Chintami Atmanagara.

Not to be missed, Lucky Octavian and Marcel Siahaan as guest stars also enlivened the concert with the concept of 'gala dinner intimate concert,' which not only entertained the audience with good music and multimedia but also with dinner.

"This 'Senandung Rindu' concert is different. So, it's not a festival-style concert where people just stand or sit, but there's food, so it's more elegant. If the comments on social media are from a more classy audience. Because we have also given that price, why don't we treat them," said JK Records CEO, Leonard Nyo Kristianto, at the JK Records office, Jl.Musi No.43, Cideng Jakarta Pusat, on Tuesday (06/06/2023).

For the man who is familiarly called Nyo, the 'Senandung Rindu' concert can also be said as the revival of JK Records in the millennial era. He also explained that he knew that many old song concerts or old song concerts were not as detailed as they are now.

"I'm not saying that the 'Senandung Rindu' concert is the best, no! But in this concert, everything is really detailed, from where the artist comes out, what the first song is, how many songs, and who the artists are." We choose not based on feelings but based on polling and google analytics," he explained.

1. Extraordinary Enthusiasm

Seeing the extraordinary enthusiasm of the audience, Nyo plans to hold the second volume of the 'Senandung Rindu' concert while still presenting artists under the JK Record label, starting from Obnie Mesakh to Meriam Belina.

"There is a volume 2 of the 'Senandung Rindu' concert, but we don't know when it will be held. There have been many offers to hold it in big cities in Indonesia. We will evaluate the event that we have held first," he said.

Nyo hopes that with this 'Senandung Rindu' concert, JK Records can contribute to old JK artists as well as other artists outside of JK.

"Although JK Records is the one holding and has dominant JK artists, it can also contribute to other artists outside of JK, both new and old artists who become the guests of honor. Yes, sharing blessings for them," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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