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Witnessing, Vincent Rompies' Wife Reveals Household Issues of Desta - Natasha Rizky

Witnessing, Vincent Rompies' Wife Reveals Household Issues of Desta - Natasha Rizky - The South Jakarta Religious Court held another hearing for the divorce petition from Desta against Natasha Rizky, on Monday (12/6/2023). This hearing was scheduled for reading the results of mediation, presenting evidence, and hearing witness statements. In this hearing, Desta brought two witnesses, namely Irfina Karina Karamoy (Fifi), the wife of Vincent Rompies and the sister of Natasha Rizky.

Both of them revealed to the judge about the household issues that occurred between Desta and Natasha Rizky, which led to quarrels and a desire for divorce.

"What is certain is that they are still discussing the elements of divorce, quarrels, separation of residence, separation of beds, that's it. Regarding their disputes during this time," said Rully Agung, the legal representative of Natasha Rizky.



1. Hurry Up and Go

However, Rully Agung did not want to explicitly state what triggered the conflict between Desta and Natasha that led them to choose divorce as the best solution.

"But we cannot express it further," he said.

Meanwhile, Fifi did not want to comment a word to the media. After becoming a witness, she continued on to her car and hurried up and left.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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