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Erika Carlina, Star of 'SOSOK KETIGA' Horror Movie, Possessed by a Long-Haired Male Jin

Erika Carlina, Star of 'SOSOK KETIGA' Horror Movie, Possessed by a Long-Haired Male Jin Erika Carlina © Santoso - Beautiful actress Erika Carlina has just finished shooting her latest horror movie titled SOSOK KETIGA. In this film, Erika plays Nuri, a woman who is friends with Yuni, played by Celine Evangelista.

During the filming process, Erika Carlina experienced a horror incident. Yes, the 26-year-old actress admitted to being possessed by a supernatural being.

"I wasn't possessed, I came from Jogja and after finishing shooting, I went on vacation to Bali first. But I didn't know I was possessed before," said Erika Carlina when met at XXI Metropole, Central Jakarta, on Monday (12/6/2023).

"Because what I felt before and after the shooting was just pain, dizziness, going back and forth to the hospital, I couldn't participate in the shooting at first but the doctor always said that there was nothing wrong with my body," added Erika.

1. Confession of an Indigo Child

Erika Carlina said that there was an indigo child who claimed to be touched by supernatural beings. From the confession of the indigo child, Erika was touched by a long-haired male genie.

"It turns out there is an indigo child who says I was touched. The genie is a long-haired male, that's why he watched my YouTube videos," she said.

2. Believe it or Not

Erika Carlina herself believes in mystical things. However, it is more towards traditional customs.

"Just believe it because my family is from Java. I mean, there are things like traditional customs. But it depends on whether we believe it or not, it's up to God," she said.

The movie SOSOK KETIGA will be released in theaters on June 22, 2023. Directed by Dedy Mercy, the film stars several famous actors and actresses, such as Celine Evangelista, Erika Carlina, and Samuel Rizal.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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