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Inara Rusli Joins Glowing Gang, Mawar AFI Mentions Ririe Fairus as the Most Senior Single Parent

Inara Rusli Joins Glowing Gang, Mawar AFI Mentions Ririe Fairus as the Most Senior Single Parent - Glowing Gang, consisting of Mawar AFI, Inara Rusli, and Ririe Fairus, is currently a hot topic among netizens. This is because the members share the same fate, which is becoming victims of their ex-husbands' alleged infidelity.

Mawar AFI stated that the members of Glowing Gang are not just gathering together, they try to strengthen each other in living their lives as single parents.

"We still support each other until now. Maybe Ririe is the most senior among the three of us, so we call her our senior single parent. After her, it was my turn last year. Now, Ina is still in the process of divorce. We all say 'Ina be strong, Ina be strong'," said Mawar AFI at XXI Metropole, Central Jakarta, on Monday (12/6/2023).

1. Formed Accidentally

According to Mawar, the Glowing gang was formed accidentally. Coincidentally, the three of them were brought together at a beauty brand event owned by Dr. Ricard Lee.

"If the Glowing gang is because of one brand, we were contracted together. So, it's just a job. It's not because we (created the gang), it was sparked by one brand," said Mawar.

2. Already Know Each Other

Mawar admitted that she had known Ririe Fairus, Ayus Sabyan's ex-wife, before the Glowing gang was formed. Meanwhile, with Inara Rusli, Mawar said she had only met a few times at an event.

"If Ririe and I have met since a year ago. If with Ina, we've met a few times at events together. Just normal chat about when we will have a gathering," concluded Mawar.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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