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Wulan Guritno Will Share Her Story of Being a Young Mother While Pregnant and Raising Shaloom Razade

Wulan Guritno Will Share Her Story of Being a Young Mother While Pregnant and Raising Shaloom Razade Wulan Guritno © Herdianto - Wulan Guritno gave birth to her first child, Shaloom Razade, when she was only 17 years old. There were certainly many experiences felt by the 42-year-old woman when she became a young mother.

The mother of three children admitted that she is ready to share her story, starting from giving birth to Shaloom Razade in 1998, taking care of him, and raising him. "Maybe I will share about parenting, because I became a mother when Shaloom was born at a young age," said Wulan Guritno quoted from live Instagram @tgt.ind, on Monday (26/2/2024) night.

"So maybe I can tell you what it's like to be a mother at a young age," Wulan continued.

1. Wulan's Journey is Not Easy

It certainly hasn't been easy for Wulan, who has been separated from Attila Syach since 2002, to raise Shaloom Razade on her own. However, she has proven that her relationship with her child has grown stronger over the years as they are able to share everything with each other.

In fact, Wulan and Shaloom Razade have collaborated on several projects, such as acting in a film together and recently creating a media account called Two Generation Tales (TGT.IDN).

"I'm most comfortable sharing about lifestyle, especially when I was studying abroad, I did everything on my own without my mom," said Shaloom Razade.

"I started learning how to cook, taking care of my own house. I might share things like that with people of my generation," added Shaloom Razade.

2. Empowering Women to Be Their Best Version

The goal of Wulan and Shaloom Razade in creating a mediagram account is to share tips on various topics. Of course, the aim is to inspire many people out there.

"I want to provide a platform for them to share life tips and also to share their concerns as fellow mothers or women," explained Wulan.

In addition, Wulan and Shaloom Razade will also join the Multi Channel Network TMG for their YouTube page.

"We want to encourage young women to become the best version of themselves by providing and sharing information about current trends," said Eugenia Agnes, Head of MCN & TMG Indonesia Community, in conclusion.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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