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Younger Brother Reveals Aa Gym's Divorce Issue, Ghaida Snaps at Teh Ninih and Calls Her a Hypocrite

Younger Brother Reveals Aa Gym's Divorce Issue, Ghaida Snaps at Teh Ninih and Calls Her a Hypocrite Ghaida and Teh Ninih © instagram/gdghaida - After exposing Aa Gym's attitude towards Teh Ninih that heated up the atmosphere, Muhammad Ghaza Al Ghazali revealed another issue within his family. The latest revelation is about a shocking incident involving Aa Gym and Teh Ninih.

Through his Facebook page, Ghaza mentioned that his older sister, Ghaida, had once argued with their mother. In front of many people, Ghaida called Teh Ninih a hypocrite.

Ghaza stated that he witnessed this incident with his own eyes. At the time, he still defended his father, but now he has changed his mind.

1. Ghaida Cannot Be a Role Model

Because of this incident, Ghaza asked those who consider her sister as a role model to reconsider. According to Ghaza, Ghaida cannot be a role model.

"Do you know my sister, named Teh Ghaida Tsurayya? Are you one of her followers? In my opinion, you should reconsider.

Because, this sister of mine is the one who understands my father the most. I can't even understand it. Because of my two writings yesterday, my mother was scolded and scolded by this sister of mine," Ghaza wrote.

2. Ghaida Calls Her Biological Mother a Hypocrite

Ghaza also revealed that her sister once called Teh Ninih a hypocrite. Although she used to agree with Aa Gym's thoughts about Teh Ninih, Ghaza has now changed her mind and chosen to speak up to defend her mother.

"I remember, when my mother was first divorced, my sister straightforwardly said, 'Mom is a hypocrite'. Right in front of KH Miftah Faridl, and that's what my father mentioned.

Yes, this incident took place in the Aula Daarul Hidayah, the ground floor of Masjid Daarut Tauhid. If you are a congregant of Daarut Tauhid, surely you know this place.

I'm not pretending to be holy. At that time, I still shared the same thoughts as my father. But now I choose to migrate and speak up.

But my sister? Still the same until now. Hopefully, you can choose the right role model. My suggestion is, don't make someone like this your role model," she concluded.

3. Ghaza Exposes Aa Gym's Attitude

Previously, Ghaza drew attention for exposing Aa Gym's attitude towards Teh Ninih. Ghaza straightforwardly defended his mother against his father's behavior, which he deemed inappropriate.

However, it turns out that Ghaza's post only further cornered Teh Ninih. Ghaida became even angrier towards her mother and also towards Ghaza.

But Teh Ninih herself is unwilling to speak out publicly. Regarding Ghaza's post, as of the time this news is published, is still trying to obtain further information.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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