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Zaskia Sungkar Sincerely Baby Ukkasya Has Not Been Visited by His Parents

Zaskia Sungkar Sincerely Baby Ukkasya Has Not Been Visited by His Parents Zaskia Sungkar - Irwansyah © - Zaskia Sungkar and Irwansyah are currently happy because they have just been blessed with their first child named Ukkasya Muhammad Syahki.

However, Zaskia Sungkar also feels sadness because since giving birth until now, her baby has not been visited by both parents who are currently ill.

The mother, Fenny Bauty, is currently lying in the hospital. The same goes for the father, Mark Sungkar, who is currently undergoing treatment in the hospital due to being exposed to Covid-19 amidst allegations of corruption.

1. Trying to be Sincere

Even though their baby cannot be visited by both parents, Zaskia Sungkar tries to be sincere and has to accept the situation in the midst of a pandemic like this.

"Support, there is no parent who doesn't support. Everyone supports, dad, mom, grandma, both of them are sick, but it's okay," she said during a virtual press conference on Friday (2/4).

"That's why we were very careful yesterday. Even the immediate family all took PCR tests. But my mom already took the PCR test and the next day she was still sick. So, it's not possible to come here," she continued.

2. Feeling Paranoid Giving Birth During a Pandemic

Giving birth during a pandemic certainly makes Zaskia Sungkar worried. She also limits the people who want to meet her baby.

"But because we are constantly being tested during this pandemic, what can we do. Since yesterday, we haven't been able to receive any guests at home except for family and friends who regularly take PCR tests. I've been feeling paranoid until today. Since I was pregnant, I started to be cautious, and now with the baby, I'm even more afraid," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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