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Ziva Magnolya's Moment Helping Clean Mud at Her Relative's House After the Flood, Using a Mop - Without Footwear

Ziva Magnolya's Moment Helping Clean Mud at Her Relative's House After the Flood, Using a Mop - Without Footwear Ziva Magnolya's moment cleaning flood mud (credit: - Ziva Magnolya recently reported that her house was far from the flooding that occurred in Bekasi. Nevertheless, this Indonesian Idol alum jumped in to help clean up the mud after the flooding at her relative's house on Wednesday, (3/4/2025).

In an Instagram Story, Ziva Magnolya was seen bringing various tools to clean up the flood mud at her relative's home. Tiara Andini's friend also didn’t hesitate to dive in and clean the mud barefoot.

Additionally, Ziva Magnolya was assisted by other family members including her sister, Amadea Rosaliana. The journey to her relative's house was also shared by her mother through her personal social media account. For more details, check here KLovers.

1. Journey to the Flooded Relative's House

In a post on her mother's social media account, Ziva Magnolya and her sister are seen walking through streets filled with water and mud. Both are carrying various cleaning tools such as a mop and other equipment. It is known that Ziva will head to her relative's house in the afternoon.

"Sister and little sister are on their way to Mina/aunt's house which is flooded today," wrote Ziva Magnolya's mother @cindyasie.

2. Entering Areas Still Flooded with Water

Upon entering the flood-affected area, Ziva Magnolya had to pass through streets with water up to her ankles. The singer, born on March 14, 2001, appeared to be careful navigating the slippery roads due to the settled mud. In the midst of her journey, Ziva occasionally showed her smile even though the road conditions were not supportive.

3. Ziva Magnolya Unhesitatingly Removes Her Footwear

After arriving at her relative's house, Ziva Magnolya prepared to clean the mud post-flood. One of the moments that caught attention was when Ziva cleaned the mud barefoot. She walked directly on the mud while cleaning it with a mop. Additionally, Ziva revealed that she had difficulty distinguishing between the road and the gutter at her relative's house due to being covered in mud.

4. The Mud Cleaning Process

Ziva used a mop to clean the mud that had accumulated in the yard and inside the house. She appeared to remain enthusiastic and continued to carry cleaning tools while navigating the still-flooded areas. This cleaning process was certainly not easy, as the mud that had settled was quite thick.

5. Cleaning Action Together with Family

In this post, Ziva Magnolya can be seen continuing to clean the house after the flood. Moreover, various furniture appears dirty after being submerged in the flood. She collaborates with family members to get the area clean again.

6. Spirit of Cleaning Up

Amidst the standing water and the messy condition of the house, Ziva Magnolya still smiles and shows her enthusiasm in helping. The singer from Indonesian Idol is not worried about her clothes getting dirty from the mud. She also clarifies that this house belongs to her close ones who were affected by the flood.

"By the way, thank God my house is far from the flood, guys, the one affected is that house. But that house is also a shared house, so I'm happy to help out," wrote Ziva Magnolya in the caption @zivamagnolya.

7. Mother Gives Encouragement

Ziva Magnolya also showed a moment while heading to the dark area inside her relative's house due to a power outage. In addition, Cindy Asie Busel, Ziva's mother, gave encouragement and support to her daughter while cleaning the mud after the flood.

"Stay strong, sister @amadearosaliana & younger sister @zivamagnolya," she wrote, including a fire emoji as a sign of support.

That was the moment Ziva Magnolya cleaned the mud after the flood at her relative's house. Follow the latest celebrity news only at If not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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