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Portrait of Ziva Magnolya Cleaning Her House Flooded by the Flood, Her Actions Become the Spotlight

Portrait of Ziva Magnolya Cleaning Her House Flooded by the Flood, Her Actions Become the Spotlight Ziva's house in Bekasi is flooded - Credit: - A major flood hit Bekasi! The luxurious house of Ziva Magnolya was also not spared from this natural disaster. The water almost reached the roof, can you imagine! Ziva, along with her family, immediately worked together to clean the house that was filled with mud after the flood receded. Her struggle is truly commendable!

The incident was quick and shocking. The water rose rapidly, nearly filling the entire house. Fortunately, Ziva and her family managed to save themselves. The cleaning process began as soon as the water receded.

Not only Ziva, many other artists in Bekasi were also affected. Baim Wong, for example, still had sahur even though his house was flooded. Parto Patrio also shared the condition of his submerged house. The solidarity of these artists deserves a thumbs up!

1. Devastating Flood in Bekasi

The major flood that hit Bekasi some time ago submerged many homes, including the luxurious houses of celebrities. The water level reached 2 meters at several points. Ziva Magnolya was one of the artists whose home was severely affected.

2. Given Safety

Imagine, the water almost reached the roof of Ziva's house! Fortunately, Ziva and her family are safe. They immediately prepared to face a big challenge: cleaning the house filled with mud.

3. Ziva Magnolya's Cleaning Action

A photo of Ziva cleaning the mud with a mop circulated on social media. She looked strong and full of spirit. This action received a lot of praise from netizens.

4. Solidarity of Ziva's Family

Ziva is not alone. Her family is working together to clean the house. They show extraordinary unity and a spirit of mutual cooperation.

5. The Labor-Intensive Cleaning Process

Cleaning up mud after a flood is not an easy task. It requires a lot of energy and time. Ziva and her family must be very tired.

6. Support from Netizens

Many netizens are giving support and encouragement to Ziva and her family. They admire Ziva's perseverance in facing this trial.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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