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Profile of Cathy Sharon, Sister of Julie Estelle, Former MTV VJ, Now Entering the Business World

Profile of Cathy Sharon, Sister of Julie Estelle, Former MTV VJ, Now Entering the Business World Profile of Cathy Sharon (credit: - Cathy Sharon is known as a famous artist with French and Indonesian heritage. This beautiful artist became increasingly popular after becoming an MTV VJ.

In addition, Cathy Sharon also started her career as a model. The sister of Julie Estelle has also starred in films and soap operas that further elevated her name in the entertainment world. After being rarely seen, Cathy Sharon has now ventured into the business world.

She often shares her activities in the entertainment world, including her role as a single mother of two children. Here’s the profile of Cathy Sharon, who is now 42 years old.

1. Profile of Cathy Sharon

Cathy Sharon was born in Jakarta on October 8, 1982. She is the eldest child of three siblings of the couple Thierry Gasnier and Hilda Limbara. Cathy Sharon has mixed French and Indonesian blood. Her mother is known to be from Central Sulawesi.

Meanwhile, her father is from France. Cathy Sharon has two younger sisters named Julie Estelle and Charlotte Christie. Cathy Sharon received her education at an international school, namely Lycee French International High School and Business School in Australia.

2. Cathy Sharon's Career as a Model and MTV VJ

Cathy Sharon began her career as a model at Look Modelling Agency before becoming a famous MTV Indonesia VJ. This beautiful artist then auditioned for MTV VJ, which helped her rise to fame in the entertainment industry. As an MTV VJ, Cathy Sharon interviewed many renowned international musicians, including Linkin Park. Many were impressed by her ability to host and interact with the guests.

3. After MTV: Transitioning to the World of Presenting and Acting

After leaving MTV, Cathy Sharon did not stop her career in the entertainment world. She then ventured into acting, starring in several film titles and soap operas. Among them are DUNIA MEREKA, HANTU BANGKU KOSONG, SANG DEWI, BARBI3, THE PERFECT HOUSE and others. In addition, she also worked as an infotainment presenter. Not only that, Cathy Sharon was also part of the comedy show Extravaganza and several TV programs.

4. Directorial Debut

Interestingly, Cathy Sharon also tried her luck behind the scenes. The sister of Julie Estelle made her directorial debut with the film GADIS DI RUANG TUNGGU in 2010. Proudly, Cathy Sharon received the Amazing Film Maker award at LA Light Indie Movie. She also directed the film RECTOVERSO: CINTA YANG TAK TERUCAP.

5. Cathy Sharon Now Becomes a Single Mom

Cathy Sharon's personal life has not escaped public attention. She was married to a man named Eka Kusuma in 2011. However, their marriage ended in 2016.

Now, Cathy Sharon is a single mom of two children. They are named Jacob Gabriel Kusuma and Carla Maria Ferini Kusuma. So far, the artist enjoys her role as a single mother. It is not uncommon for her to show moments of togetherness with her two children.

6. Diving into the Business World

In addition to her career in the entertainment world, Cathy Sharon is also expanding her wings in the business world. She proves herself to be a multi-talented and gifted woman. The artist is known to have a beauty brand. No wonder, Cathy Sharon is rarely seen on television now and focuses on developing her business. Cathy Sharon is also active on social media and shares moments of her personal life with her fans.

That is Cathy Sharon's profile and her career journey in the entertainment world. Follow the latest news about celebrities only on If not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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