Margin Wieheerm has been in Saudi Arabia for the past few days. She not only performed umrah in the holy land but also explored various iconic places. Margin even dived in the Red Sea and enjoyed the beautiful sea views. Let's take a closer look!
Celebrity Activities
Margin Wieheerm has been in Saudi Arabia for the past few days. She not only performed umrah in the holy land but also explored various iconic places. Margin even dived in the Red Sea and enjoyed the beautiful sea views. Let's take a closer look!
Going to Saudi Arabia is often synonymous with performing umrah only. This does not apply to Margin. She seems to visit various iconic places while she is there.
One of the interesting moments was when she visited the Red Sea. Margin looked so fresh and beautiful while on the boat.
She wore a pink-themed outfit while enjoying the beauty of the sea. Margin also had the chance to dive and greet the little fish down there.
In addition to going to the sea, Margin also visited the desert. Her appearance became the center of attention. Indeed, Margin looked very elegant.
Wearing a black and white outfit, Margin added a long dangling headpiece. A pair of sunglasses enhanced her look.
Margin also visited Al Balad, a historic old town in the heart of Jeddah. The site was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2014.
Like most Muslims, Margin also took the time to perform Umrah. Yes, even though she was not accompanied by her husband, Margin was still able to complete the entire Umrah process.
Stay updated with the latest news about Margin Wieheerm only on Kapanlagi. If not now, when else?
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