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8 Photos of Ikhwan Hidayat, Top 70 LIDA 2021 Contestant representing West Sulawesi - 14-Year-Old Kid who Received Standing Ovation from all Judges

8 Photos of Ikhwan Hidayat, Top 70 LIDA 2021 Contestant representing West Sulawesi - 14-Year-Old Kid who Received Standing Ovation from all Judges Youtube/Indosiar - Ikhwan Hidayat is the representative of West Sulawesi Province in the Liga Dangdut Indonesia (LIDA) 2021 competition. As reported by, Ikhwan received support from members of the Polewali Mandar Council. They set aside a portion of their income to support Ikhwan's journey to Jakarta after he worked at the Polewali Mandar Regional People's Representative Council.

Apparently, this support was rewarded with Ikhwan's impressive performance in the Top 70 round of LIDA 2021. KLovers, let's directly see Ikhwan's performance in the series of photos below.


1. From Polewali Mandar

Ikhwan Hidayat is the second child of 5 siblings. Currently, he is studying in the ninth grade at MTs Pergis Campalagian, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi. 


2. Heading to Jakarta


He had to travel far to Jakarta to pursue his dreams. Ikhwan started heading to Jakarta on March 18, 2021. He will undergo a series of training and shows to prove his quality.


3. Intensive Training


He admitted that he continues to increase the intensity of his training every day. Not only that, he also started learning the nuances of Arabic and Indian songs. 


4. Competing with Other Provincial Representatives


Ikhwan is part of Group 6 Red Team. He is in the same group as Farida (West Java), Hasmi (Aceh), Nisa (Bengkulu), and Ratna (South Kalimantan).


5. Facing Experienced Judges


The judges assigned to the Red Team in LIDA 2021 are Soimah, Inul Daratista, Nassar, Dewi Persik, Zaskia Gotik, Rita Sugiarto, and Nita Thalia.


6. Boldly Wooing Soimah


Even at the age of 14, Ikhwan is brave enough to woo one of the judges, Soimah. On one occasion, he approached the judge's table and directly wooed Soimah. Soimah responded to Ikhwan's advances by inviting him to sing together.


7. Bring Rhoma Irama's Song with Dazzling Performance


Ikhwan Hidayat performed impressively and confidently by bringing the song titled Dewa Amor. This song is a creation of the king of dangdut, Rhoma Irama.


8. All Judges' Standing Ovation


All judges were immediately mesmerized by Ikhwan's brilliant performance. In fact, all judges gave a standing ovation (SO) as an appreciation for Ikhwan's performance on stage.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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