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Online Graduation, Bilqis Khumairah Appears Compact with Ayu Ting Ting

Online Graduation, Bilqis Khumairah Appears Compact with Ayu Ting Ting Ayu Ting Ting © Akrom Sukarya - Ayu Ting Ting's days have been more lively since the arrival of Bilqis Khumairah in 2014. Yes, her beloved child has grown up. In fact, she just had an online graduation.

This was known from Ayu's Instagram on Saturday (20/6). Ayu uploaded the moment with great joy. She also congratulated her.

1. Say Congratulations

"Congratulations on your graduation, my dear Bilqis Khumairah. All the best wishes for your future, my child. Congratulations on your graduation, Kriting," wrote the famous dangdut singer from Depok.

2. Appear Compact

In the photo, Ayu and Bilqis look very compact. Both of them are wearing red-themed outfits. They also chose the same batik pattern.

3. Accompanying the Child to School

As KLovers know, amidst all her busyness, Ayu Ting Ting still pays attention to her little one. She even manages to accompany Bilqis to school. At least, in November 2019, she was caught doing that.

Ayu doesn't hesitate to personally take her only child to school. Ayu does it casually, without bringing any glamorous artistic attributes.

4. Not Dressing Up

She doesn't dress up in luxurious clothes or wear full makeup to show her profession to Iqis' friends at school. On the contrary, Ayu chooses to dress up very simply.

As seen that morning, when Ayu accompanied Iqis to school. She wore casual clothes, complete with white sport pants and a jacket. She even wore ordinary flip-flops as footwear.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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