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Photo in Front of the Wedding Stage, Via Vallen: When Can I Be That Rich?

Photo in Front of the Wedding Stage, Via Vallen: When Can I Be That Rich? Via Vallen © Herdianto - Via Vallen's desire to end her single life seems to be more than just a joke. The singer from Sidoarjo, East Java, can be said to be impatient to meet her soulmate.

Via didn't directly say it. However, from several posts on her Instagram, it can be seen that Via Vallen is starting to plan her future.

She wants to find a responsible man, wants to live in her own house soon, and recently, this 28-year-old woman uploaded a photo of herself at a wedding decoration.

1. When Can I Be Like That

In that photo, Via Vallen stands right in front of the wedding stage complete with its luxurious decorations. Seeing decorations and wedding accessories like that, deep down in her heart, Via Vallen feels a little jealous.

Honestly, from the bottom of my heart, seeing what's behind, I can only say in my heart, 'When can I be like that?'," Via Vallen wrote on her Instagram, Friday (19/6/2020).

2. Blessed by a Friend

Via Vallen's post was then commented on by one of her friends who is also a dangdut singer, Lilis Bintang Pantura. In her comment, Lilis prayed for Via Vallen to meet her soulmate soon.

"Talking deep in her heart, Vi @viavallen soon her Prince will come. Amen," Lilis wrote in the comment section.

3. Looking for a Man in His 30s

Previously, Via Vallen also uploaded a photo with a caption looking for a responsible man in his mid-30s or older.

"Just want to ask. Are there still good and responsible men born between 1981-1985 who have NEVER BEEN MARRIED AT ALL???" wrote Via Vallen. Via Vallen's post was immediately flooded with comments from netizens.

Now, from those two posts on her Instagram, does Via Vallen really want to get married soon?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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