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Display Zaskia Sungkar's Photo, Irwansyah: Falling in Love with You is Allah's Blessing

Display Zaskia Sungkar's Photo, Irwansyah: Falling in Love with You is Allah's Blessing Irwansyah and Zaskia Sungkar (credit: Akrom Sukarya) - For those who don't know, Irwansyah is not only a handsome and pious actor, but he is also a very romantic and loving husband. The star of the movie HEARTS is not ashamed to express his love for his wife, Zaskia Sungkar, as seen here.

Through Instagram, Irwansyah often uploads photos of his wife with captions full of love. One of the photos of Zaskia that he uploaded on Instagram on Thursday (18/6/2020) once again made many netizens swoon!

1. Romantic Words from Irwansyah

In the photo, Zaskia looks cool with her hijab style. The glasses she wears make Shireen Sungkar, her sister, look very cool. No wonder Irwansyah adores his wife.

"Meeting you is destiny. Being your friend is a choice. But falling in love with you is a blessing from Allah," Irwansyah wrote for the caption of Zaskia's photo that he posted.


2. Makes You Feel Emotional

Who wouldn't be touched reading Irwansyah's romantic caption. He loves his wife so much and never forgets about God. That's why many people admire this couple.

What a sweet couple! May Irwansyah and Zaskia always be happy and even more romantic!



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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