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Portrait of Singer Kania Permatasari and Ujung Oppa's Conversion Wedding - Legally Married in Korea and Indonesia

Portrait of Singer Kania Permatasari and Ujung Oppa's Conversion Wedding - Legally Married in Korea and Indonesia


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Portrait of Singer Kania Permatasari and Ujung Oppa's Conversion Wedding - Legally Married in Korea and Indonesia

After holding a wedding in Korea, singer Kania Permatasari and Hwang Woo Joong have now also officially married in Indonesia. They held a wedding ceremony with Sundanese customs on Saturday, August 8, 2021.

Due to the ongoing PPKM (Community Activity Restrictions), this Pantura Star program graduate singer did not invite many people. However, the wedding ceremony with the Korean YouTuber went smoothly.

Portrait of Singer Kania Permatasari and Ujung Oppa's Conversion Wedding - Legally Married in Korea and Indonesia

After several months of dating Hwang Woo Joong, Kania Permatasari decided to settle her heart on the Korean man.


Legally, Kania and the man affectionately called Ujung Oppa were married in Korea in June 2021. However, they held a wedding ceremony in Indonesia.


After going through a long and exhausting process, this 24-year-old singer is now officially married in two countries.

Portrait of Singer Kania Permatasari and Ujung Oppa's Conversion Wedding - Legally Married in Korea and Indonesia

Kania and Ujung Oppa initially considered getting married unofficially. However, they later canceled that plan and got married officially.


Kania and Ujung Oppa's wedding ceremony took place at a hotel in Bandung. They did not invite many guests due to the ongoing PPKM restrictions.


Although already married, Kania and Ujung are not in a hurry to have children. They are postponing having children until they are ready.


Before marrying Kania, Ujung Oppa first converted to Islam. He embraced Islam a few months ago.


Although they only dated for a few months, Ujung Oppa was already sure to marry Kania. He is willing to do anything to make their marriage legal in two countries.


Now Kania feels relieved, her marriage is already registered in Korea and Indonesia. She no longer worries about the legality of her relationship with Ujung Oppa.


Congratulations on starting a new life, Kania and Ujung Oppa. May it last until the end of your lives.


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