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Sang Adik Menikah, Ayu Ting Ting Reveals Ivan Gunawan's Sacrifice to Accompany Her

Sang Adik Menikah, Ayu Ting Ting Reveals Ivan Gunawan's Sacrifice to Accompany Her Ayu Ting Ting reveals Ivan Gunawan's sacrifice © - Ayu Ting Ting and Ivan Gunawan are in the spotlight at the wedding of Ayu Ting Ting's sister, Assyifa Nuraini Nanda Fachrizal, held at Hotel Margo, Depok, West Java, on Sunday (20/2).

Since the wedding ceremony until the reception, Ivan Gunawan has been faithfully accompanying Ayu Ting Ting. The Sambalado singer admitted that she is very happy because Ivan Gunawan intentionally made time for the event.

"Yes, Alhamdulillah, Igun (Ivan) made time for it. I invited him a long time ago. 'Come (Ivan), and I'll accompany you from the wedding ceremony until the end of the reception.' But he had another event, so he left after the reception," said Ayu Ting Ting during a press conference after the event.

1. Ivan Gunawan Willing to Wait

Ayu Ting Ting also revealed Ivan Gunawan's sacrifice, who is willing to wait and participate in various events from beginning to end.

"He never waits for anyone, never, not even for his own sibling, and this is the first time he's like this. He waited for me upstairs," she explained.

"This has been a very long party, that's what he said," Ayu Ting Ting imitated Ivan Gunawan's words.

2. Intentionally Looking for Matching Outfits

Not only that, another sacrifice made by Ivan Gunawan is looking for outfits with matching colors like the one Ayu Ting Ting wore. As a result, the two of them looked harmonious. Many netizens even prayed for them to join soon.

"At first, I wanted to make uniforms but in the end, (Ivan) made it himself, matching colors, he found his own batik. So it's really adjusting in the morning, during the ceremony I wore maroon, he wore a slightly reddish batik. Then he wore a silver grey beskap with a pink peach fabric that matched my outfit," she explained.

3. Reasons Ivan Gunawan Doesn't Wear Uniform

Also found at the same event, Ivan Gunawan was also asked about the clothes he was wearing at that time. He explained the reason for not wearing a uniform like Ayu Ting Ting's family.

"I happen to think that wearing a uniform is a waste, because it can't be worn again. Fortunately, there is something else I can wear," said Ivan Gunawan. 

4. Prayers for Syifa and Nanda

Ivan Gunawan also gave congratulations and prayers for Syifa and Nanda to always be a happy family. 

"No, I won't give advice. I'm not the type of person who likes to advise others, because I don't have marriage experience. Ayu might be able to give advice to Syifa," he said. 

"(Prayers) definitely for a lasting and happy marriage, because Syifa and Nanda have been in a relationship for a long time. In fact, their marriage makes them happier," concluded Ivan Gunawan. 

5. Getting Married in 2023?

However, Ivan Gunawan said he has no plans to get married this year because there are still many tasks that need to be completed. It is possible that in 2023, he will start thinking about marriage.

"What is clear is that this year I am focusing on my work first, with the rise of Corona, there are also many preparations that have been postponed. Maybe, God willing, we will think about it again in 2023," he said.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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