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Used as Learning, Lesti Kejora Responds to Netizens' Criticism

Used as Learning, Lesti Kejora Responds to Netizens' Criticism Lesti Kejora (credit: - Being a public figure certainly makes Lesti Kejora accustomed to facing various comments from netizens. Starting from positive to negative ones. However, Lesti considers others' negative comments or criticisms as a learning experience.

"According to me, we are being criticized by others so we know what we are doing, we forget, we are not aware, so we learn not to do that. Because there can't be smoke without fire," she said as quoted from POLES, (18/3).

"The lesson is there, there is a lesson from other people's criticism about us. It's a blessing if we don't do that. But if it's true, it means we have to be more aware of ourselves," she continued.

1. Occupational Risks

Lesti herself is aware that her job in the entertainment world certainly carries those risks. Rizky Billar's girlfriend also has a way to prevent negative comments from attacking her.

"Because this little one works in the entertainment world, where she is seen by people. So it's more about taking care of herself, maintaining her attitude, and learning a lot," she said.

"Because there are so many people talking about this little one, 'why does she wear a hijab like that?' From there, this little one learns little by little, why can they say that? Because of this little one too," added Lesti.

2. Maintaining Attitude

This 21-year-old singer also strives to always maintain her behavior and learn from mistakes to minimize the criticism from netizens.

"So that people won't talk about this little one means this little one has to be more careful with her attitude, take care of herself, her behavior, her ethics have to be maintained even more," she emphasized.

Well, if you're still curious about Lesti's story, don't miss POLES (Kepoin Lesti). It airs every Monday and Thursday at 17:00 WIB on


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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