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Ashanty Reveals Who Will Accompany Aurel at the Wedding, Emphasizes No One Will Be Hurt

Ashanty Reveals Who Will Accompany Aurel at the Wedding, Emphasizes No One Will Be Hurt Ashanty, Anang Hermansyah, Aurel (credit: - Aurel Hermansyah and Atta Halilintar will soon celebrate their happy day. The wedding ceremony of Aurel and Atta is planned to be held on April 3, 2021. Behind this happy news, netizens are curious about who will accompany Aurel at the wedding, Ashanty or Krisdayanti?

"So, from the beginning when Aurel wanted to get married, we always said that she should follow her heart. She can choose whoever (to accompany her), but no one should be hurt," said Ashanty as quoted from the MAIA ALELDUL TV YouTube channel, (18/3).

1. Ashanty Legowo

Ashanty admits that she will be resigned if Aurel Hermansyah wants Krisdayanti to stand beside her on the wedding day. She will be more helpful in organizing the event if that is Aurel's decision.

"For example, if my sister wants to be with her mom and dad, I can't be jealous. But I am happy to be busy with the event, I will mingle with the guests," said Ashanty.

2. Aurel Hermansyah's Desire

Aurel herself has expressed her desire to Ashanty. Anang Hermansyah's eldest daughter hopes that KD and Ashanty can accompany her on the wedding day.

"Her only question is, 'Mom, I want both you and KD to be there.' It's not funny to have three people, I said. 'But I will ask Uncle Raul first, is it okay if KD is at the wedding with mom and dad?'" Ashanty explained.

"But I said, it's not normal to have three people on the wedding day, it's never normal. Then she said, 'Well, mom, this is what I want,'" she continued.

3. Today's Blessing

Today, on March 19th, Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah are scheduled to hold a ritual called 'siraman' in the afternoon. Unlike during the engagement ceremony, Krisdayanti is confirmed to not be able to attend the 'siraman' event.

Celebrating a happy day amidst the pandemic situation, Atta and Aurel must still adhere to health protocols. KLovers, don't forget to always #IngatPesanIbu (remember mother's advice). Wear a mask, wash hands regularly, and maintain distance. Stay safe!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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