Sweet Moment of the 40th Birthday Surprise for Rezky Aditya from Citra Kirana and Their Child
Citra Kirana gave a loving birthday surprise for Rezky Aditya on this special occasion.
Kapanlagi.com - Every year, Muslims around the world welcome the holy month of Ramadan with great enthusiasm and joy. One of the equally interesting traditions is Welcoming Ramadan. But what exactly is Welcoming Ramadan?
Etimologically, 'tarhib' (تَرْحِيب) comes from Arabic, meaning to welcome with an open and sincere heart. In the context of Ramadan, Welcoming is not just about greeting, but also an expression of gratitude and deep enthusiasm for the arrival of this blessed month. It is a moment to prepare oneself, both spiritually, physically, and materially, in order to optimally perform Ramadan worship.
The tradition of Welcoming Ramadan also serves as an opportunity for Muslims to introspect and improve the quality of their worship. Various practices can be done to welcome this holy month, such as reciting special prayers that are hoped to bring blessings and safety until Ramadan arrives.
One of the common practices is to recite specific prayers. Here are some prayers that can be recited:
(Allahumma bariklana fi Rajaba wa Sya'bana wa ballighna Ramadana). 'اللهم بارك لنا في رجب وشعبان وبلغنا رمضان'
Meaning: 'O Allah, bless us in the months of Rajab and Sha'ban, and let us reach the month of Ramadan.' (HR.Ahmad)
(Allahumma sallimni ila Ramadana, wa sallim li Ramadana, wa tasallamhu minni mutaqabbalan). 'اللهم سلمني إلى رمضان، وسلم لي رمضان، وتسلّمه مني متقبلاً'
Meaning: 'O Allah, grant me safety until Ramadan, and grant Ramadan for me, and accept Ramadan from me with my good deeds being accepted.'
Considering that Ramadan is a month of worship that requires stamina, Muslims are encouraged to:
Welcoming Ramadan can also be filled with religious study sessions discussing the virtues of Ramadan, fasting procedures, and other worship preparations.
The Messenger of Allah (SAW) highly encourages his followers to increase Sunnah fasting in the month of Sha'ban as a practice before Ramadan.
"I have never seen the Messenger of Allah (SAW) fasting a full month except in the month of Ramadan, and I have never seen him fasting more than in the month of Sha'ban." (HR Bukhari and Muslim)
As Ramadan approaches, Muslims are encouraged to increase charity, help those in need, and share happiness with others.
Illustration of reading prayers (credit: freepik.com)
Welcoming Ramadan is not just a ceremonial reception, but also a moment of introspection for every Muslim to enhance the quality of their worship.
Making Ramadan an opportunity to get closer to Allah through worship and prayer.
Strengthening ties with family and relatives, as well as asking for forgiveness before entering the month of Ramadan.
Creating a plan for worship such as how many times to complete the Quran, the amount of charity to be given, and bad habits to be left behind.
The main purpose of Welcoming Ramadan is to greet the holy month with joy and to prepare oneself spiritually, physically, and materially.
The prayers that are often recited are prayers for blessings in the months of Rajab and Sha'ban, as well as prayers for safety until Ramadan.
The spelling of 'tarhib' is important because it can affect the meaning; the correct spelling indicates a welcome, not a threat.
Physical preparation can be done by maintaining health, exercising, and managing a good diet before Ramadan arrives.
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