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Hilarious Moment of Miskah Pranking Yislam with a Straw, Just Like Fadil Jaidi's Mischief

Hilarious Moment of Miskah Pranking Yislam with a Straw, Just Like Fadil Jaidi's Mischief Hilarious Moment of Miskah Pranking Yislam with a Straw. (instagram/yislamaljaidi) - A hilarious moment between the new couple, Yislam and Miskah, successfully entertained netizens on social media. The video shows a funny incident where Yislam unknowingly uses a straw that can produce musical sounds. Yislam's unexpected reaction instantly amused many netizens.

In the video, Yislam is seen enjoying a drink while using a unique pink straw. However, he is unaware that the straw can make sounds, making this incident a topic of jokes in the comments section.

Many netizens immediately connected this moment with the funny antics of Fadil Jaidi, an influencer known for his spontaneous humor in everyday life. Check out the fun moment here:

1. Miskah and Yislam: The New Couple That’s Making Waves

Yislam and Miskah just got married in October 2024. As a new couple, their lives are not without funny moments that often happen in daily life. Since getting married, Miskah is known as a wife who loves to give little surprises that sometimes invite laughter. This time, her mischief led to an incident that successfully made netizens laugh.

2. The Beginning of the Incident

It all started when Yislam asked Miskah to buy a straw. Without thinking twice, Miskah complied with her husband's request. However, instead of buying a regular straw, Miskah ended up buying a unique pink straw that surprisingly has an unexpected feature: it can play music when used for drinking.

3. Yislam's Hilarious Reaction

In the uploaded video, it is clear how Yislam initially enjoys his drink calmly. However, as he starts to sip, suddenly a sound of music comes from the straw. Instantly, his facial expression changes to confusion and shock. This moment immediately becomes a source of laughter for Miskah, who has been waiting for her husband's reaction.

4. Netizens Immediately Connect It to Fadil Jaidi

It didn't take long for netizens to link this incident to Fadil Jaidi.

"So funny, the behavior of Fadil's brother-in-law." Said @jiwatinie_

"Fadil and Pakmuh in a lite version." Said @bdikurniawan

"The peak of comedy is when the straw makes a sound while drinking." Expressed @indahftrn_

5. Say Thank You to Your Wife

Although receiving a unique straw, Yislam still thanked Miskah. "Thank you my wife @miskashf," Yislam wrote in the caption. This also made Fadil comment, "@miskashf is there a straw that sounds like munyenyo?"

That was a funny moment of Miskah pranking Yislam about the straw. Stay tuned for more celebrity news. If not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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