A photo of John Cena and his name were used in a hoax post circulating on social media. In the thumbnail, he is seen holding a Quran, which has been collaged with a photo of an unburned house. This was linked to the LA fire, and the post eventually went viral. Meanwhile, the authenticity of the image is still being investigated, and John Cena has yet to make a statement. Behind all this, let's get to know John Cena!
John Felix Anthony Cena was born on April 23, 1977, in West Newbury, Massachusetts, to Carol Cena and John Joseph Cena. He has Italian ancestry (from his father) and French-Canadian and English ancestry (from his mother), and is the grandson of baseball player Tony Lupien. While in college, he played football. After that, he continued his career as a bodybuilder and limousine driver. The star, standing at 6 feet 1 inch (185.4 cm), weighs 240 pounds (108.8 kg) and is a highly successful superstar in WWE.
"The Doctor of Thuganomics" began training to be a wrestler at Ultimate Pro Wrestling, where he also created the character "The Prototype." Cena made his WWE debut in a match against Kurt Angle on June 27, 2002, but unfortunately ended in defeat.
In 2004, John Cena's status as a celebrity began to grow. Cena won the United States Championship from Big Show. Not long after, Cena lost the title but managed to reclaim it. However, Cena lost the title again to fellow WWE superstar, Carlito. During that period, Cena was known to have been stabbed in the kidney by one of Carlito's bodyguards, which caused him to be absent for a month.