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Raising Problems Staying at In-Laws' House, Teaser Trailer 'CRAZY SON-IN-LAW'S DIARY' Attracts Attention

Raising Problems Staying at In-Laws' House, Teaser Trailer 'CRAZY SON-IN-LAW'S DIARY' Attracts Attention Film CRAZY SON-IN-LAW'S DIARY ©Soraya Intercine Films - After ten years of absence, filmmaker Sunil Soraya returns to the director's chair. This time, he works on a romantic comedy titled CRAZY SON-IN-LAW'S DIARY.

The film, which features Raditya Dika and Ariel Tatum as the cast, is adapted from the bestselling novel of the same title. The closeness of the story to the current society is what made Sunil interested in directing it.

"We always want to make films that are close to the society, that are not distant from the audience. That's why when this novel was offered to be directed, I was very interested," said Sunil quoted from a text message received by, Saturday (1/6/2024).

1. Closeness to the Condition of the Community

Sunil Soraya also revealed what he felt close to in the film CATATAN HARIAN MENANTU SINTING with the current situation. Namely, the ups and downs of married life because they still live with their in-laws.

"All couples in Indonesia must have the same experience. Although the levels vary for each couple," said the son of the renowned producer Ram Soraya.

2. Teaser Trailer Attracts Attention

CATATAN HARIAN MENANTU SINTING has just released a teaser trailer. Although it is less than two minutes, it is able to make people laugh due to the comical scenes played by Raditya Dika and Ariel Tatum.

The film, which will be released in theaters starting from July 18, 2024, tells the story of Sahat and Minar, who live with their in-laws due to economic pressures. They struggle hard to break free from this situation, although it is not easy.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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